How Attractive Are You According to Science?
✅ All ratings are honest, with absolutely no sugar-coating.
✅ Analysis is based on scientifically determined proportions and ideal ratios.
✅ Most comprehensive facial analysis on the internet with over 40 cephalometric measurements!
✅ Personalized looksmaxxing advice to improve your attractiveness.
✅ 100% confidential.

How Scientifically Attractive Are You?
✅ All ratings are honest, with absolutely no sugar-coating.
✅ Analysis is based on scientifically determined proportions and ideal ratios.
✅ Most comprehensive facial analysis on the internet with over 40 different cephalometric measurements!
✅Personalized looksmaxxing advice to improve your attractiveness.
✅100% confidential.

I offer 3 rating services. The standard is a face rating /10 with strengths and weaknesses. The premium includes looksmaxxing advice and an in-depth analysis of your facial features. The harmony package is the most comprehensive. It involves a full harmony analysis as seen in my long form videos along with surgery advice, a 45 page explanation, and a 30 minute call with me to discuss your looksmaxxing path.
Frequently Asked Questions
How is my rating calculated?
The first package is based on my instinct after carefully analyzing each feature, which has been honed from analyzing thousands of faces. In the second and third packages, I measure every proportion and put them all into a spreadsheet that calculates a facial harmony score. This harmony score goes into a weighted average with scores for dimorphism, hair, and YSL (youthfulness, skin, and lips). There is a similar calculator for SMV.
I'm scared to get rated. What if I get rated a 4? I'll be devastated
I was scared to get rated when I first learned about looksmaxxing too. I was scared I'd get a 4 or 5 and life would be "over." At the end of the day, your current rating is just a fact, and whether or not it's "over" is an opinion.
Two men could get rated a 4, and one could get depressed and think "I hate myself, I'm so ugly, no girl will ever desire me", while the other guy could think "Finally, now I know WHY girls don't like me! And if I do these 5 things, I'll be a 5.5 in 3 months and a 6 in a year, then I'll have many girls into me! Thank God I learned it's my looks instead of being bluepilled, wasting time learning another language to seem "educated" and getting no results with women."
Knowing the truth about yourself is valuable information and necessary to improve. Some people spend their whole lives not facing the truth, and you'll find them in casinos, drug-addicted, obese, broke, or all the above.
What photos should I use?
Send multiple photos of both the front, side, and a 3/4 profile. They should have minimal lens distortion, as this will make the rating and measurements inaccurate. I don't recommend selfies, use pictures from at least 6 feet away with a neutral expression. Setting your iPhone camera on a timer with good lighting and propping it up will lead to good results for an accurate rating.
A girl said I was an 8, but you rated me a 6. Is she lying?
Most people rate on a 1-10 scale where 9 is the top 10% and 8 is the top 20%. My ratings are based on a normal distribution of looks, where a 5 is average (50%), a 6 is the top 16%, and a 7 is the top 2.5%, as this is more accurate to how we perceive people. Her 8 would likely be equivalent to my 6. There is a big difference between the top 1% and the top 0.1%, but normal people would say both are 10's. The top 1% of income is $819,000, while the top 0.1% is $3.3 million, and similar differences apply in every other field, including looks.
Should I include anything else?
Yes. If you would like an SMV rating in packages 2 or 3, you should include your weight, height, physique pictures, and the country you are from.
Do you do ratings for women?
Yes. There is a whole separate calculator with ideal female proportions that I use for analyzing women. Looksmaxxing advice will also be tailored to women.
How long does the rating take?
It will be ready in 72 hours max, but most are done within 24 hours.